Our affordable, self-service Pupil Voice survey service – designed by our specialist research team – will help you comply with inspection requirements and strengthen your pupil wellbeing .
Headteachers and school leaders will know that pupil wellbeing is at the heart of the new ISI inspection framework and schools need to show they are listening to, and acting on, their pupil voice to achieve the best outcomes and strengthen wellbeing and the school experience overall.
Many schools are already very proactive in this area. Yet, from our decades of experience of research in schools, we know not all children and young people feel comfortable sharing their concerns and less positive experiences. This puts schools at risk of non-compliance or a poor or disappointing inspection and may make them less effective at meeting the needs of all pupils.
To help schools meet this challenge, we’ve launched a new self-service survey service. Created by our professional education research team, with input from schools, Pupil Voice is expertly designed to tease out pupil views on everything from learning and studies, to support and wellbeing, school resources and co-curricular activities.
An annual subscription at £3 per pupil provides you with up to three surveys a year. Each survey includes core questions, up to three modules of pre-set questions, plus the option to add two questions of your own. You can select your modules from a list of nine, spanning all areas of school life. Response rates and results are available on our digital platform – with options to analyse your data in different ways. A subscription includes everything you need to plan, execute and analyse surveys, plus training guides and support.