Good facilitation is key for effective strategy discussions, keeping everyone focused and engaged, and encouraging healthy debates.
While it may look easy, facilitating such discussions is a complex task that demands experience and expertise. Our consultants bring a wealth of facilitation experience, which combined with our deep understanding of schools and our strategic consultancy services means we are well placed to lead your discussions.
We can seed those discussions with a presentation of sector trends or some bespoke research for your school. We can help you frame the right questions you need to answer, as well as find answers to the most important questions of all: “What sort of school do we want to be in the future?” and “How can we get there?”
Working with your Senior Leadership Team and Governors, we facilitate discussions to guide your thinking and help you make the far-reaching decisions required to safeguard your school’s future.
Get in touch
Email Heather Styche-Patel, CEO, at
Call Heather on +44 (0)1858 383173