Peter Bodkin
Senior Advisor

Since joining RSAcademics as a Senior Advisor, Peter has run a large number of highly successful Head and Deputy Head appointment projects to a wide variety of schools such as St Joseph’s College, Reading, Silcoates, Claremont Fan Court, Portsmouth Grammar School and Hampton Court House. His powerful background brings great wisdom and experience to the process.
Peter studied Botany at St Andrews University before completing a PhD in Freshwater Ecology. His first teaching post was at Bradfield College where he was also a Housemaster. In 1994, Peter was appointed Head of Tettenhall College, a post he held for 16 years, including a year’s service as Chairman of The Society of Heads.
After leaving headship in 2010, Peter took on a number of high-profile roles within the education sector. He became the General Secretary of The Society of Heads and served on the Board of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) and the Board of the Independent Schools Teacher Induction Panel (IStip). As General Secretary, he worked closely with Heads and Governors providing help and guidance across a range of issues.