The world needs schools to thrive, and schools need development to thrive

Schools often ask us why potential donors do not give – or why they give more to other organisations. 

Schools also question how best to move from ‘friend-raising’ to asking these friends to consider donating to their school. Our advice? The best way to find out is to ask them. 

Our recommended approach is to carry out online stakeholder research.  Independently and collectively these services provide schools with a deep insight into the heart and minds of supporters, thus providing guidance for how to engage and build relationships with them. 

The magic lies in how we draw all the elements of research together. 

As independent and objective development experts, our consultants are skilled in analysing and interpreting the research findings and insight. 

We apply our sector knowledge and benchmarking to spot patterns and potential which others might miss. 

The result is meaningful, sometimes game-changing advice, direction and strategy that is bespoke to your school and rooted in evidence. 

Our services

Bespoke alumni surveys

Appointment of Directors of Development/Fundraising

Our Team

Meet the people who make it happen.

Ours is a team of many talents with a broad portfolio of sector-leading philanthropy and communications experience, collectively bringing the best in school fundraising to our clients.

Learn more

Get in touch

Email Rachael Petrie, Head of Philanthropy, via

Call Rachael on +44 1858 467449