Liz Francis

Senior Advisor

Following a degree in English and American Literature, Liz completed a PGCE. After teaching for five years Liz took up a research post for a government quango, followed by senior positions in a number of government agencies including the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and the Training and Development Agency for Schools, where she was Director of Workforce Strategy and Qualifications.

Liz has also worked as a senior education adviser for Suffolk County Council where she completed an MA in Education. Her two most recent posts were as a senior civil servant at the Department for Education, followed by Director of Education for the Alpha Plus Group (a Group of 20 schools and colleges).  At Alpha Plus Liz supported schools in academic and pastoral issues, was Safeguarding Governor for 4 years and led the Group’s work on the mental health and well-being of children and young people. She took a leading role in the appointments of heads and other senior staff.  Liz is a non-executive board member for the Association of Schools and Colleges’ Professional Development Board and  is a judge for the English Speaking Union.

Liz now works with RSAcademics on Senior Leadership appointments and governance reviews.