School leaders’ perspectives on how to improve the Board / Principal relationship 

“Upwards and Onwards” is a ground-breaking report from RSAcademics, based on the views of 75 Principals of international schools across the world.  It reflects current practice and offers guidance to Principals on how they might best “manage upwards” in an international school context, with the aim of creating productive and happy relationships with their Board.

Please use the form below to download a copy of the full report.

You can download the Executive Summary of the report without registering by clicking here.

Here are some more details…

The “Upwards and Onwards” report

Our report begins with an introductory section (which contains, among other things, details about the author, the research methodology and our research sample) and an Executive Summary.

The main report which follows consists of nine chapters, each of which considers key findings from our interviews and quotes extensively from the participating School Principals. Each of the nine chapters finishes with a section called “Points to consider and things to try” to help useful reflection and provide practical advice. We will also be considering the actions Principals can take in our webinars.

The report, which runs to over 90 pages, has been beautifully designed by LimeGreenTangerine, the people behind our “Ten Trends” reports, to make reading easier and more enjoyable.

Now please complete the form below to download a copy of the “Upwards and Onwards” report. Thank you.

Should you wish to discuss confidentially any topics raised by our report, you can email Russell Speirs, Founder and Chairman of RSAcademics or Chris Edwards, the author.


Upwards and Onwards

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